Monthly Archives: March 2008



There was a baptism of three babies in church last week – always such a delight! Then we as the congregation said this lovely little excerpt from a French Reformed Baptism rite. I thought it was just wonderful, and I wanted to post it:

"Little children, for you Jesus Christ came to this earth, struggled and suffered; for your sake He crossed Gethsemane and went through the darkness of Calvary; for your sake He cried: ‘It is finished,’ for your sake He died and for your sake He overcame death; indeed for your sake, little children, and you – still – know nothing of it. And thus the word of the apostle is confirmed: ‘We love God, for He loved us first.’"

Happy Resurrection Day!


Here’s a fun little Easter poem we love, and some Easter pictures (you’ll have to forgive the ton of baby pictures – however high maintenance that sweet little girl might be, she sure takes a lovely picture!)

Happy Easter to you, my friend.

This day’s light shall have no end.

For Christ did rise

in the golden morn,

and by His life are we reborn.

Happy Easter to one and all!

The night is over, the sun is tall.

The day did break with a tiny beam

and flooded life with Light supreme.

-Holly Pond Hill, A Child’s Book Of Easter

So many pictures in one day! Here are the girls hunting for some Easter eggs:

And a cute little baby I know, who learned to sit up – she does play so much more happily now!

More egg hunting – in the rather chilly weather, I might add!Here’s Naomi playing with one of their Easter presents – a mini doll which came with bottles, spoons to feed, etc – quite possibly the best $5 I’ve ever spent as far as keeping my two littler ones busy and happy at the table!Miss Isabelle, in one of the lovely Easter dresses they were blessed with!Penny Bear – silly as always!

And Miss Juliette with some good post-nap hair going on!

Our Easter plans changed last minute so we enjoyed a lovely Easter at home. For our Easter Feast, we went with the not-so-traditional meal that daddy’s been asking me to try making – sushi! He was thrilled!

And I’ve saved the baby for last, as I just couldn’t decide between all her cute little facial expressions, so I decided to post them all! Here’s Alyssa in her almost-eight-month old cuteness:


Drippy Days


Today is a drippy sort of day. The sky is dripping – in a refreshing spring way. The eyes of my girls have been dripping, in a not-so-refresing, but much more emotional way. There was enough fussiness today that I actually started taking temperatures, almost hoping to find fevers that would explain it!  It’s been a long week with Matt out of town for work. It’s actually gone quite well, but I definitely miss his company and time with the girls! Alyssa’s won the prize for fussiest baby, but this morning as she chomped on my finger I think I figured out why – there was a little tooth in there! Her very first one at seven months! Believe it or not, that’s really early for one of my girls to get teeth. I guess that explains at least some of her fussiness, but I don’t know where the other girls got theirs. And I can’t say I’ve been a chipper chicken myself. Though there have been quite a few lovely moments today, there have also been plenty of stressful ones! We got a late start on school (the little school that we did) , as with the outdoor (and "indoor") weather the way it was, I decided to start with a rousing, if not so educational, game of hide and seek. That was fun, and the girls LOVED it. I have to admit I’m terrible at playing with my kids – great at reading, terrible at playing! So this was good fun for all of them. After this a big package of diapers happened to arrive, which provided two big boxes and a whole bunch of butcher paper to play with. It’s funny, these girls have a playhouse, but it’s so much more exciting to them to pretend a big box is a house! Then just as we all snuggled up to read on the couch,Alyssa playing on the floor with toys, two rather dreadful things happened. One was that Alyssa began to wail her discomfort and annoyance to the world, and refused to be comforted. The other was that I got the hiccups. I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to read a story about a magical three-legged stool over the sound of a baby crying and interspersed with your own incessant hiccups, but I quickly decided it was just not worth it, much to Isabelle’s disappointment.

I decided the day needed a fresh turn. So into the tea room we went. I set Naomi at the table with a fun magnet flower garden toy, Juli at the table with a flower garden peg stacker, Hannah at the bar with her playmobil farm, and Isabelle at the bar with a draw write now page. Alyssa went into the bumbo with some cheerios – her favorite companion lately. On went the NIV  Kids Club, a movie of kids singing Bible verses, and I made some peanut butter sandwiches (on white bread – mmm, they think it’s such a rare treat!) After lunch, and after a generous helping of my cookies (I almost prefer giving cookies over any other snack when they’re made with freshly ground flower and natural sugars!) I tried an experiment that worked perfectly, and is now my recommendation for creating smiles on rainy days. I put my broiler on high, lined a cookie sheet with foil, and filled it with marshmallows. Three minutes on each side later, we had some perfectly roasted marshmallows, with no bbq necessary! Oh, they were grand! We even stuck little pretzel sticks in them to make "trees". I’m sure that was the highlight of the day! It definitely cheered everyone up. Not that it made the day perfect or anything. After lunch, I ended up rocking two fussy little girls – one teething, one just plain pooped two year old. After a couple of lullabies, they were so happy, and gladly went to sleep. I came downstairs, hoping I hadn’t caused the three older ones to fuss with eachother by being gone so long. It was totally quiet (not usually a good sing!) and I had to hunt through the whole downstairs before I found them in a rather odd spot! One girl was using the bathroom, and the other two were standing in the bathtub reading the "learn to poopy book" aloud to her! But they were happy, and so was I.  Now, of course, instead of napping while they did like I probably ought to have, I’ve been blogging. Silly me – this is why I don’t blog very often anymore (a bit of sleep usually sounds more necessary!)  I’ll just make a cup of coffee – ooh, would you like one more "recipe"? I think I’ve settled on how I like making my coffee: one shot of espresso (one ounce), one shot of pure maple syrup (again, one ounce), and 8 ounces of steamed, frothed milk –  yummy (and the caffeine doesn’t hurt this tired mommy)! Well, now I’ve officially chronicled our day, and here are some photos to finish it off – the outside ones were from the other day.

Naomi finally named her dolly, after months of insisting that her name is Dolly. She named her Annie, which I love since it was her name when we adopted her! 

One of the aforementioned boxes – still not sure how Isabelle managed to bring Alyssa in there with her!

Hello Kitty!

Fun with friends, picking non edible berries to play with.

Hannah very much wanted me to take her picture, so she forced a smile

boxes are such fun!

Golden marshmallows – although they had deflated a bit before I decided to get the camera;

Little Bunnies. . .


So today I was lying on the couch, "resting my eyes", as my dad used to say. I was awake, listening to Isabelle read aloud. Hannah was getting ready for nap, and I had just sent Naomi to potty before bed. And I was tired . . . very tired! So I closed my eyes for a moment or two. Then, out of nowhere, I felt the oddest sensation and had to think very hard to decide if I was dreaming. It felt like a bunny rabbit had softly put its little nose on my lips and was sniffing determinedly. It stopped, then a few seconds later it happened again. No dream, I was relatively certain by now that a little soft nose was indeed gently lodging itself between my closed lips. So I reluctantly opened my eyes to figure out why such a thing had occured. Leave it to Hannah . . . there she was with a sheepish little smile on her face. "What are you doing, Hannah," I asked. 

"Well, I thought I smelled some gum, and I wanted to know if you had it in your mouth."

"Yes, dear, I have some minty gum."

"Oh, I wanted to smell it, and see it."

So if you ever come to my house, perhaps chewing minty gum, do beware that if you choose to rest your eyes, someone might sneak up to investigate the source of minty gum smell with their nose!

I know I haven’t posted in awhile, so here are a bunch of photos to make up for it:

Potty training a unicorn . . .

Daddy has way too much fun with this new pacifier!

Still sleepy . . . with bedtime horsey and blanket, of course . . .

Beautiful smiley girl!Isn’t that better with no Billy-Bob paci?Isabelle looking lovely and growing so fast! I had no idea five year olds could read Narnia books to me!

Hannah thinking very hard . . .

Hannah, being goofy of course . . .

More goofy Penny!